MBO Section 2 - On the Board of Trustees and the Organization of the FPAC

2.1. Legal Entity and Government Bodies

The Fundació Parc Aeronàutic de Catalunya (FPAC) is a charity and cultural non-profit organization registered in the Register of Private Foundations of the Generalitat de Catalunya with the number 1114, by resolution of the Counselor of Justice of October 30, 1997.

It therefore has its own legal personality and a special tax regime.

Among others, it has recognized the tax benefits established in law 49/2002, of December 23, of foundations and tax incentives for private participation in activities of general interest, since it has accredited before the Delegation in Barcelona of the State Agency of the Tax Administration compliance with the requirements established in the Law.

The Foundation is governed by its Statutes, and the Board of Trustees is the body in charge of establishing the objectives, policies, priorities and, in general, to ensure compliance with the foundational obligations.

The Board of Trustees is composed of a variable number of Trustees who act in their personal capacity and without any type of compensation or consideration. Their position lasts for four years, renewable, and they meet at least twice a year.

The Board of Trustees can choose or renew Trustees by co-optation and, also every four years, designates by voting a President, two Vice-Presidents and a Secretary.

The President holds the maximum representation of the Foundation and together with the two vice-presidents, the secretary and a number of Trustees integrate the Executive Committee (CEX hereafter).

The CEX is the management body of the Foundation where ordinary decisions are made, reporting to the Board once a year.

In the event of permanent absence, resignation or incapacity of the President, his attributions are transferred to the first Vice President, and if such circumstance is present in the first Vice President, to the Second Vice President. In the event of permanent absence, resignation or incapacity of the three persons holding representative positions, the Secretary shall convene the Board of Trustees for the election of a new CEX.

An external audit of accounts is also carried out annually, which upon approval by the Board of Trustees is submitted to the Department of Justice of the Generalitat for inspection.

The composition of the Board of Trustees, in force, is: 

Trustees of Honor (without vote)

Fernando de Caralt Cera
Enginyer Aeronàutic, Ex-President de CASA

Jordi Rull Dalmau
Ex-President de la Associació d'Amics de la Aeronàutica

Sebastià Salvadó Planidura
Economista, Ex-President del RACC

Daniel Ventura González Alonso
Eng. Telecomunicacions, Empresari, Pilot

Carles Martí Batera
Economista. Consultor Internacional d'Empreses, Ex-President de l'Aeroclub Barcelona-Sabadell. Pilot

Juan Ignacio Duch Tuesta
Enginyer Industrial. Empresari. Pilot

Trustees members of the Executive Commitee:

Aero Club Barcelona Sabadell
Representant: Pere Joan Nogueroles Asencio, President de l'Aeroclub

Domingo Jaumandreu Ros
Eng. Aeronàutic. Professor Universitari. Ex President de la FPAC

Rafael José Molina Arruabarrena
Pilot. Cap de Formació de Pilots de l'Aeroclub Barcelona-Sabadell

Eddy Arnold Van Hemmen
Economista, Ex Controlador Militar (RNAF) y Pilot


Ajuntament de Sabadell
Representant: Eduard Navarro García

Eduard Bajet Royo
Catedràtic de la Facultat de Dret de la Universitat de Barcelona

Cristòfol Jordà Sanuy
Consultor Ambiental. Pilot d'avions històrics. Ex-President de la FPAC

Joan Llopart Raventós
Enginyer Informàtic. Máster en Direcció i Administració d'Empreses

Enric Morralla Vallverdú
Pilot, President de l'Aeroclub de Reus

Jordi Pons Segalà
Enginyer Tèc. Industrial, Màster en Formació de Professors

Tomás Sánchez Garcés
Pilot de Transport de Líneas Aèrias

Pere Serra de Argila
Historiador Aeronàutic

Francisco José Val Ríos
Tècnic Certificador d'Aeronaus, Mecànica i Aviònica. Docent Especialista en Centre EASA Part 147

Secretary of the Board of Trustees and of the Executive Commitee (without vote)

Godo Barrenechea
Enginyer Químic, Secretari de l'Aeroclub Barcelona-Sabadell. Pilot

2.2. Functional Organization
Under the supervision of the CEX, the activities of the FPAC are organized in three Areas of Activity and in each area the works to be carried out are grouped functionally by Activity Area.
The majority of FPAC activities take place in the Workshop-School, Land and Hangars of the Foundation at the Sabadell Airport.
There is also activity of Aircraft Restoration and Replica Construction in the Workshop of the Aeronautical Culture Center of the Barcelona-El Prat Airport and of Aircraft Restoration in the Workshop of the Centre Aèri, in Vilanova i La Geltrú.
Part of the Foundation and Communication Services Activities can be done from the volunteer's home.

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